I just watched the most disturbing, revolting, appalling and disgusting video of a young Kurdish getting stoned to death in Iraq while policemen do nothing. This was an "honor killing". Honestly, there are a few Iraqi men I'd like to take out back and "honor" right now. Words can not describe my utter and complete rage and anger towards any human being or "man" that condones this sub-human behavior or commits any inhumane act towards another human being in the name of god, self-righteous morality or psychopathic villainy.
I hate too even post this video here but I hope it has the same effect on you that it had on me, which was utter revulsion, compassion for the girl and anger towards the animals that committed this brutal and sick act. VIOLENCE AGAINST HUMANITY MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS even if means using violence to obtain peaceful ends.
As long as this behavior is tolerated anywhere in the world, humanity will never evolve. We are too tolerant of religious zealots, tyrants, brutes and murderers. If it were my choice the men that committed this act would be fucking dead. Period. They lack the common thread that bonds humanity which is compassion and a humanistic moral response to human suffering, and therefore, have not earned the right to live among us as evolved, rational, compassionate and intelligent HUMAN BEINGS. In my opinion, these men have no place in this world. Although this is a complicated and harsh ideologue for me to adapt as a humanist, I would have no regrets removing these men from this earth and would make no apologies for it. Do I then become the tyrant? “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” If this is true...then doing the right thing remains a difficult choice. But once that choice is made, it must be conveyed and executed with the brutal honesty and direct action the choice implies. Tolerance is amoral when dealing with evil in the hearts of men. It MUST be dealt with in the harshest manner. I may not be well received by expressing this dictum or philosophy, but, so be it. We ALL have the right to live free and destroy anyone who treads on this right, regardless of the "politically correct" idioms of those who are apathetic and indifferent. I, am unable to take a forgiving or compassionate approach towards these sub-human degenerates. I cannot take the approach of Gandhi or of peace...and so...I'm damned and speechless. I'll post the words of these great men, who can speak when I cannot...
"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery" -Malcolm X
"I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the issues' that plague mankind just to avoid violence." -Malcolm X
“He who does not punish evil commands it to be done.” -Leonardo Da Vinci
"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." -Jerry Garcia