Friday, September 14, 2007


This is by far one of the most funny, strange and sad videos to recently come out of youtube. As I watched the pathetic spectacle, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry (I laughed, then felt bad). It's a testament to the pure power of celebrity and the media's depravity.

So, for fucks sake, LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!

(Actually, the more I watch this...the more I sympathize. The media are pariahs, leaches and bloodsucking maggots...right?).


edward 3 said...

do you think it's real or just another viral attempt to market some girl's acting skills? whatever the heck it is, it's entertaining!

(- edward3 from myspace)

edward 3 said...

oh wait... that's a guy?!

Caroline said...

pouhhh c'est pathétique !

Anonymous said...

Now it seems the anyone can be a celebutard...

What the fuck is the world coming to...

Varvara said...

I love'em little punks :)

And offtopic:
I love Billy Holiday, thank you for writing.